119 S Main Street • Elk City, Oklahoma 73644 • (580) 225-7673

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet

Item # E6-4821
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient's every attention. Hot pink, lavender and orange roses create a splash of color accented with lush bupleurum to make an exceptional flower bouquet. Presented in a modern clear glass vase, this rose bouquet is set to send your warmest wishes for their birthday, as a thank you gift or to celebrate any of life's special moments.


Please note that all designs, bouquets, and arrangements are based upon seasonal availability of flowers shown. Pictures should act as an approximation of what to expect, though substitutions of a similar flower may be made if the current selection is not available. Flower availability changes from day to day. Please call Heartland Floral at 580-225-ROSE (7673) for information on our freshest flowers available, or to place your order via telephone.